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The Forest of Curiosities

Close up of a section of the Forest of Curiosities mural at the Eastside Branch

Explore the Forest

The Forest of Curiosities is a stunning, large-scale graphic installation at the Eastside Branch, created by local artist Lucy Bilson. Featuring beautiful illustrations, it tells the story of the wildlife and species native to the surrounding area. Trees, plants, insects and animals of the Grand River all come together, reminding us of the beauty of this land.

We invite you to explore and discover the stories about the history and lands around the Eastside Branch.

  • Under the White Pine
    An old photograph of local white pine trees

    Long before shovels broke ground for the Eastside Branch, the land was alive with purpose. The Grand River flowing nearby was a source of life for early Indigenous people. The river provided fresh water and fertile hunting grounds for the Attawandaron, Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee people.

    Many early villages were surrounded by crops of corn, beans and squash. White pines shaded their paths and reminded the Haudenosaunee people of the peace they shared within their confederacy.

    Indigenous people were the first to build their lives on the land we know as Waterloo Region. Their way of life followed the rhythms of the seasons and changing landscapes which allowed these nations to thrive for many years.

  • Following the Grand River
    Elam Martin Farmstead

    In 1820, the land surrounding the Eastside Branch was purchased sight unseen by David Martin, a Mennonite living in Pennsylvania. With only the hope of a better future, David and Maria Martin made the difficult journey to Canada with their twelve children.

    When the Martin family arrived, they were greeted by the sound of the Grand River flowing along the border of their land and the sight of many, many trees. The black maples, bur oaks and basswood trees would be a source of heavy labour, but also an invaluable resource. The Martin family began the long process of clearing the land and used the fallen trees to build their first home—a log cabin. The log cabin was strategically built near freshwater springs that were fed by the Grand River.

    As the Martin children grew up, the Mennonite way of life continued as the farm passed from one generation to the next. Orchard trees were planted and animals grazed the land. In 1856, the log cabin was replaced with a yellow brick home that still stands today. Other outbuildings such as a doddy house, schnitz house (used for apple drying), corn crib, butchering shed and sugar shack were built over the six generations of Martin ownership.

  • The Land Reimagined
    City of Waterloo ad for Millennium Recreation Park construction

    Elam Martin, David Martin’s great-great-great-grandson, was the last Martin to own the farm before it was sold to the City of Waterloo.

    In 1999, the city announced its plan to build a recreation park to celebrate the new millennium. The land around the Martin farm was selected for the project, and the farm became a special feature in the park plans. In 2001, the Elam Martin Farmstead was given a protective historical designation, and RIM Park opened to the public.

    Just over 20 years later, the Eastside Branch of the Waterloo Public Library opened its doors and another new chapter began.

  • A Note from the Artist - Lucy Bilson

    The Forest of Curiosities was designed by Lucy Bilson as an exploration and celebration of the natural spaces which surround the Eastside Branch Library. Inspired by the work that is being done to revitalise the watershed along the Grand River, the work features plant, animal, fish, and insect species which are native to our region.

    Some of these species — like the bumblebee and rainbow trout — are commonly seen and easily recognised, others of which — like the osprey — are slowly but surely making a return to the region. Each of the species was carefully selected: the bees and hummingbird were chosen to highlight the importance of pollinators in our food supply; the white pine tree, known to the Haudenosaunee people as the tree of peace, was included as a symbol of the enduring presence of Indigenous people on this land.

    The idea of looking outward to what surrounds the library and reflecting on our present and future on this land is inspired by the building’s architecture and the large windows which look out onto the landscape.

    The collage-style layering of visual forms uses textures from nature and creates moments of intrigue, revealing the complexity of networks and intersections we can find in the natural world.

    The hope for this work is that it is not only enjoyed visually, but that it helps visitors to draw a personal connection to the environment: encouraging curiosity, teaching stewardship, and fostering relationship with the natural environment.

Discover the Species

Explore the local species featured in the Forest of Curiosities mural and become a plant and wildlife expert.

American Chestnut 

Castanea dentata 

The American Chestnut tree, once stood as a towering giant in the eastern forests of North America, stretching up to 100 feet in height. Revered for its stately presence and valuable timber, this majestic species was unfortunately decimated by the devastating chestnut blight (Cryphonectria parasitica) in the early 20th century. Once comprising a dominant portion of the forest canopy, its decline left a noticeable void in the ecosystem. 

Characterized by its distinctive toothed leaves, sweet edible nuts, and straight-grained wood, the American Chestnut held cultural and ecological significance. Today, ongoing efforts to restore this iconic tree involve breeding blight-resistant varieties, offering hope for the revival of a species that once played a vital role in our landscape! The resilience and beauty of the American Chestnut continue to inspire conservationists and nature enthusiasts alike. 

American Crow

Corvus Brachyrhnchos

The American crow is an iconic and highly intelligent bird species native to North America. Recognized by its glossy black coat and distinctive cawing calls, this adaptable corvid has established itself as a ubiquitous presence in diverse environments, ranging from urban landscapes to rural farmlands.  

With a wingspan that can range from about 2 to 3.5 feet, the American crow possesses remarkable problem-solving abilities, tool usage, and complex social structures. Known for its keen observational skills and the ability to learn from its surroundings, the American crow has become a symbol of resourcefulness and resilience.  

Often forming large, communal roosts, these birds exhibit intricate communication and exhibit a wide range of vocalizations. Despite their sometimes ominous reputation, American crows play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance by scavenging and controlling insect populations. With a lifespan of up to 14 years, these adaptable and sociable birds continue to captivate observers across the continent. 


Asteraceae or Compositae family 

The aster, a vibrant and versatile flowering plant, captivates with its stunning display of colors and intricate petals ranging from 1 to 5cm wide with long thin petals. Belonging to the Asteraceae family, this resilient perennial is celebrated for its ability to thrive in a variety of environments, from gardens to wild meadows.  

With a rich history dating back centuries, the aster has been admired for its symbolic significance, representing love, patience, and elegance in various cultures. Its daisy-like blooms, available in hues ranging from deep purples and blues to bright pinks and whites, create a picturesque tapestry in gardens during late summer and fall.  

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the aster plays a crucial role in supporting pollinators, attracting butterflies and bees with its nectar-rich flowers. Whether as a garden centerpiece or a wildflower spectacle, the aster enchants with its beauty and ecological contributions, leaving an indelible mark in the botanical realm.

Barn Swallow

Hirundo rustica

The barn swallow is one of the most common land birds in the world. This agile bird known for its distinctive deep blue plumage, long forked tail, and rust-colored throat. Found on every continent except Antarctica, these aerial acrobats are a common sight in open habitats, particularly near human structures such as barns and bridges.  

With a wingspan of around 12 inches, barn swallows are adept fliers, gracefully swooping and darting through the air as they pursue insects, their primary source of food. Migratory by nature, these birds embark on remarkable journeys, covering thousands of miles between their breeding grounds in North America, Europe, and Asia and their wintering areas in Central and South America, Africa, and Southeast Asia. Admired for their agility and adaptability, barn swallows symbolize the beauty of avian elegance and the interconnectedness of global ecosystems.


Castor canadensis 

The beaver is the largest rodent in North America and stands as a charismatic and industrious symbol of nature’s architectural prowess. With a stout, streamlined body and webbed hind feet, this semi-aquatic rodent thrives in freshwater habitats across North America. Renowned for its engineering prowess, the beaver constructs elaborate lodges and dams using sticks, mud, and rocks. These structures serve as both shelter and protection against predators, showcasing the beaver’s ingenuity in creating habitats that shape entire ecosystems. 

Equipped with extremely sharp teeth, the beaver is a masterful builder, felling trees with remarkable precision to feed its voracious appetite and to fashion impressive dams that alter water flow. Beyond its ecological impact, the beaver’s social structure and family bonds add a layer of complexity to its fascinating biology. As a keystone species, the beaver plays a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity, making it a captivating subject of study and admiration in the natural world. 

Bee Wing


The bee wing, a marvel of nature’s engineering, serves as both a symbol of delicate beauty and a crucial instrument for the survival of these industrious insects. Composed of intricately veined membranes, the bee wing is a testament to evolution’s precision. Its lightweight structure enables bees to effortlessly navigate the air, collecting nectar and pollinating flowers with remarkable efficiency. The translucence of the wing reveals a stunning mosaic of colors when touched by sunlight, captivating observers with its ethereal glow. 

Beyond its aesthetic allure, the bee wing plays a pivotal role in the hive’s social fabric, aiding communication through intricate dances and conveying the collective heartbeat of the colony. As a symbol of environmental interdependence, the bee wing serves as a reminder of the interconnected dance between pollinators and the diverse tapestry of life they sustain. 


Sanguinaria canadensis 

Bloodroot is a captivating perennial herb, celebrated for its striking appearance and historical significance. Characterized by their distinctive green lobed leaves and delicate white petals with bright yellow centers, the plant earned its name from the vibrant red-orange sap that oozes from its rhizome when cut.  

Revered by indigenous communities for its medicinal properties, bloodroot has played a crucial role in traditional herbal medicine for centuries. The plant’s root contains compounds with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, contributing to its historical use in treating various ailments.  

Despite its toxic nature, bloodroot continues to captivate botanists, herbalists, and nature enthusiasts alike, drawing attention not only for its ornamental beauty but also for its rich cultural and medicinal heritage. Today, the bloodroot remains a symbol of resilience and healing, connecting the past and present in the exploration of botanical wonders. 



The bumblebee, a charismatic and industrious insect, is a vital contributor to our ecosystem, known for its pollination prowess and distinctive, fuzzy appearance. These social bees play a crucial role in the reproduction of flowering plants, making them essential for biodiversity and agricultural productivity. Recognizable by their black and yellow stripes, bumblebees exhibit remarkable adaptability, thriving in diverse habitats across the globe.  

Unlike honeybees, bumblebees are capable of pollinating a wide variety of plants, making them indispensable for the reproduction of numerous crops. Their unique ability to regulate their body temperature through vibrational buzzing sets them apart, allowing them to forage in cooler conditions. With their endearing buzz and intricate social structures, bumblebees serve as both ecological linchpins and fascinating subjects of study in the intricate tapestry of the natural world.



Cardinalis cardinalis

The cardinal is a striking bird characterized by its vibrant red plumage and distinctive crest. Adult males boast a brilliant scarlet hue, while females display a more subdued combination of brown and red tones. Both genders share a distinctive black facial mask and a prominent crest on their heads. Additionally, these medium-sized songbirds are recognized for their strong, conical bills, perfectly suited for cracking seeds, their primary dietary staple.

In Ontario, the Northern Cardinal is a common and year-round resident, thriving in a variety of habitats including woodlands, gardens, and urban areas. With a preference for dense vegetation, these birds often seek shelter in shrubs and trees. Their melodious songs contribute to the lively soundscape of their surroundings, making them a cherished and easily identifiable species. The Northern Cardinal’s adaptability to diverse environments, combined with its striking appearance and melodic calls, render it a beloved and iconic bird in the Canadian province of Ontario.

Eastern Meadowlark

Sturnella magna

The Eastern Meadowlark is a captivating bird species found in grasslands and meadows. Distinguished by its striking appearance, the meadowlark boasts a vibrant yellow underbelly adorned with intricate black markings, and a distinctive black “V” on its chest. Its melodious song, a medley of clear whistles and flute-like notes, is a hallmark of springtime in its habitat.  

Renowned for its aerial displays during courtship, the Eastern Meadowlark often perches atop fence posts or tall grasses, showcasing its brilliant plumage and engaging in spirited vocalizations. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the meadowlark plays a crucial ecological role by controlling insect populations and contributing to the biodiversity of its grassland ecosystem. Despite facing challenges such as habitat loss, these resilient birds continue to enchant birdwatchers and conservationists alike with their beauty and melodious tunes. 

Eastern White Cedar

Thuja occidentalis 

The Eastern White Cedar is a majestic evergreen tree native to the eastern regions of North America. Revered for its stately appearance and versatility, this coniferous giant boasts a tall, slender profile with soft, scale-like leaves that emit a distinctive, pleasant fragrance when crushed. Resilient and adaptable, the Eastern White Cedar thrives in a variety of soils and climates, from swamps to upland forests. Its wood, prized for its durability and natural resistance to decay, has been historically employed by indigenous communities for crafting canoes, homes, and traditional medicine.  

Beyond its utilitarian attributes, the tree holds ecological significance, providing habitat and sustenance for various wildlife species. Today, landscapers and conservationists value the Eastern White Cedar for its ornamental appeal and ability to enhance biodiversity. With a rich cultural and ecological legacy, the Eastern White Cedar stands as a symbol of resilience and natural beauty in the landscape of North America. 


Solidago canadensis 

Goldenrod, a vibrant and resilient perennial plant belonging to the Asteraceae family, graces landscapes with its striking golden-hued clusters of flowers. Known for its ability to thrive in diverse environments, this hardy herbaceous plant is native to North America but has spread its sunny presence across the globe. With its characteristic feathery, lance-shaped leaves and slender stems, goldenrod stands tall, reaching heights of up to six feet.  

Beyond its ornamental appeal, goldenrod boasts medicinal properties, historically used by indigenous cultures for treating ailments such as wounds and respiratory issues. Often unfairly associated with hay fever, goldenrod is not a major culprit for pollen allergies, as its pollen is heavy and relies on insects for dispersal. Celebrated for its ecological contributions, this resilient plant is a beacon of brightness in gardens, meadows, and wild landscapes, embodying the spirit of endurance and natural beauty. 

Grass Spider


The grass spider is a common arachnid species known for its intricate web-building skills and distinctive appearance. These spiders typically have a brownish coloration with darker stripes running along their elongated bodies. Notably, grass spiders are equipped with long, spindly legs that aid them in navigating their surroundings and constructing intricate funnel-shaped webs.

In Ontario, grass spiders are widespread and can be found in a variety of habitats, including grassy fields, gardens, and meadows. They are particularly adept at concealing themselves within the grass and other vegetation, using their web as a retreat and hunting ground. The funnel webs they construct serve both as shelters and as effective traps for capturing prey. Known for their role in controlling insect populations, grass spiders contribute to the ecological balance of their habitats. With their unique appearance and web-building prowess, these spiders play a vital role in Ontario’s ecosystems.

Green Frog

Lithobates clamitans 

The green frog, a captivating amphibian species, is characterized by its vibrant emerald hue that seamlessly blends with the lush environments it inhabits. Found in diverse ecosystems worldwide, from wetlands to forests, these frogs are renowned for their distinctive croaking calls that echo through the tranquil landscapes they call home. Their remarkable coloration serves as both camouflage and a visual display, aiding in communication and courtship rituals.  

Beyond their striking appearance, green frogs play a vital role in maintaining ecological balance by controlling insect populations. With their webbed feet and smooth, moist skin, these amphibians navigate aquatic and terrestrial realms with agility. As enchanting denizens of nature, green frogs symbolize the delicate harmony between wildlife and their habitats, inviting observers to appreciate the beauty and importance of these remarkable creatures in the tapestry of the natural world. 

Honey Bee


The honey bee is a fascinating and crucial member of the insect world. Renowned for its complex social structure and exceptional pollination prowess, the honey bee plays a pivotal role in maintaining the delicate balance of ecosystems. These industrious insects are tireless foragers, collecting nectar from flowers and transforming it into honey through a meticulous process. Living in highly organized colonies, honey bees exhibit a sophisticated communication system through intricate dances, conveying information about food sources to their fellow hive members.  

Beyond their sweet golden produce, these remarkable creatures contribute significantly to global agriculture by pollinating a myriad of crops, ensuring the reproduction of countless plant species. As environmental sentinels, honey bees serve as vital indicators of ecosystem health, making their preservation crucial for the well-being of our planet.



The hummingbird is a tiny and enchanting creature that captivates with its iridescent plumage and astonishing agility. Weighing as little as a penny, these diminutive birds are nature’s aerial acrobats, capable of hovering in mid-air and darting from flower to flower with unparalleled precision. Renowned for their incredible metabolism, hummingbirds boast the fastest heart rate and metabolism among birds, requiring them to consume nectar constantly to fuel their energetic flights.  

Their rapid wing beats, which can exceed 80 times per second, produce the distinctive humming sound that gives these birds their name. With a kaleidoscope of colors and a mastery of flight that seems almost magical, the hummingbird stands as a testament to the wonders of the natural world, captivating observers and leaving a lasting impression as one of nature’s most extraordinary creations.



The ladybug, with its diminutive size and vibrant appearance, captivates observers worldwide. Known for its distinct red or orange hue adorned with black spots, this charming beetle belongs to the Coccinellidae family. Despite its delicate demeanor, the ladybug is a formidable ally for gardeners and farmers, as it voraciously consumes aphids and other garden pests. Its small, dome-shaped body and delicate wings create an endearing image, while its name, “ladybug,” carries historical and cultural significance, believed to symbolize good luck and protection. Beyond its ecological importance, the ladybug’s presence has inspired folklore and art, making it a beloved insect in various cultures. As a symbol of fortune and environmental balance, the ladybug’s enchanting qualities extend far beyond its petite size, leaving an indelible mark on both nature enthusiasts and admirers of its enduring charm. 


Acer saccharum 

The mapel stands as a majestic emblem of North American forests, renowned for its vibrant autumnal display and its invaluable contribution to the maple syrup industry. This deciduous tree, with its distinctive five-lobed leaves, exhibits a splendid range of colors, transitioning from lush green in the spring and summer to fiery hues of red, orange, and yellow in the fall. The sugar maple’s bark, smooth and gray when young, evolves into a furrowed pattern as it matures.  

This iconic species thrives in a variety of soils and is celebrated for its adaptability, making it a prevalent inhabitant of mixed hardwood forests across eastern North America. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Acer saccharum holds cultural significance, symbolizing the changing seasons and providing sustenance in the form of its delectable sap, tapped and transformed into the sweet elixir known as maple syrup. 



Milkweed, a fascinating genus of flowering plants, encompasses over 100 distinct species, each contributing to the ecological tapestry in its own unique way. Characterized by its distinctive milky sap and intricate, often fragrant blossoms, milkweed holds a vital role in the natural world. Serving as a primary host for monarch butterflies, these plants are not only visually stunning but also crucial for the survival of a renowned insect species. The broad leaves, vibrant colors, and complex flowers of milkweed make it a captivating subject for botanists and nature enthusiasts alike.  

Beyond its aesthetic allure, milkweed is environmentally significant, playing a pivotal role in supporting biodiversity and pollinator populations. Understanding and appreciating the diverse traits and ecological importance of milkweed contributes to a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance within ecosystems. 

Monarch Butterfly

Danaus plexippus

The monarch butterfly is a majestic insect renowned for its vibrant orange and black wings, spanning three to four inches across. A symbol of grace and transformation, this species undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis, transitioning from a tiny egg to a voracious caterpillar before encasing itself in a jade-green chrysalis. Emerging as a resplendent butterfly, the monarch embarks on an extraordinary migration, covering thousands of miles from North America to the mountains of central Mexico, or coastal California. Known for its unique navigation abilities, the monarch uses environmental cues to navigate this astonishing journey.  

Beyond its captivating beauty, the monarch holds ecological significance as a pollinator, contributing to the health of various plant species. Unfortunately, the population of these enchanting butterflies faces challenges due to habitat loss and climate change, highlighting the importance of conservation efforts to ensure the survival of this iconic species. 


Quercus alba 

The oak stands as an iconic symbol of strength and longevity in North American forests. This majestic deciduous tree boasts a commanding presence with its broad, spreading canopy and distinctive gray bark that furrows with age. Characterized by its deeply lobed, glossy green leaves, the white oak offers a breathtaking display of autumnal hues, transitioning from vibrant greens to rich burgundies and russet tones. Renowned for its durable timber, this tree has played a pivotal role in shaping American history, being a preferred wood for shipbuilding and constructing iconic structures.  

Beyond its economic significance, the white oak provides vital habitats for diverse wildlife, making it a cornerstone species in forest ecosystems. Appreciated for its resilience and timeless beauty, Quercus alba continues to capture the imagination of nature enthusiasts and environmentalists alike.


Pandion haliaetus 

The osprey is a majestic bird of prey that commands the skies with its distinctive appearance and remarkable hunting prowess. Also referred to as the sea hawk or fish eagle, the osprey boasts a striking white head and underparts contrasting with dark brown wings and back. One of its most remarkable features is its reversible outer toe, which allows it to grasp fish with a two-front, two-back talon configuration. Primarily found near coastal regions and freshwater habitats worldwide, ospreys are highly skilled hunters, diving feet-first into the water to snatch fish with their powerful talons. Their migratory behavior takes them on extraordinary journeys, covering thousands of miles annually between breeding and wintering grounds. Revered for their aerial agility and devotion to their aquatic lifestyle, ospreys stand as a testament to nature’s ingenuity and the intricate balance of ecosystems they inhabit. 

Rainbow Trout 

Oncorhynchus mykiss 

The Rainbow Trout is a captivating freshwater fish celebrated for its vibrant and diverse colors. Native to North America’s Pacific Coast, these sleek swimmers have been introduced to water bodies worldwide, becoming a prized catch for anglers and a popular species in aquaculture. Displaying a distinctive pink stripe along their sides and a kaleidoscope of hues that range from iridescent pinks and reds to silvery blues and greens, the Rainbow Trout lives up to its name. Known for its resilience and adaptability, this species thrives in various aquatic environments, from clear mountain streams to lakes. Beyond its striking appearance, the Rainbow Trout is admired for its spirited fights when hooked, making it a sought-after target for recreational fishing. Whether in the wild or on the end of a fishing line, the Rainbow Trout stands out as a symbol of aquatic beauty and sporting challenge.

Rock Bass

Ambloplites rupestris 

The rock bass is a freshwater fish known for its spirited demeanor and widespread distribution across North America. Belonging to the sunfish family, this species thrives in clear, rocky streams and lakes, earning its name from its affinity for rocky habitats. Characterized by a robust build, olive-green to bronze coloration, and a distinctive dark horizontal stripe along its sides, the rock bass possesses a striking appearance. Sporting red eyes and a large mouth equipped with formidable teeth, it is a voracious predator, preying on small fish, insects, and crustaceans. Anglers appreciate the rock bass for its feisty nature and the challenge it poses on light tackle. Popular among recreational anglers, the rock bass contributes to the diverse aquatic ecosystems it inhabits, embodying the resilience and adaptability of North American freshwater fauna. 

Silver Shiner

Notropis photogenis 

The Silver Shiner, a dazzling freshwater fish renowned for its sleek metallic appearance, is a captivating species found in North American waterways. Sporting a silvery hue that shimmers under sunlight, the Silver Shiner’s scales create a mesmerizing effect as they reflect and refract light. This streamlined fish typically reaches lengths of 4 to 6 inches, boasting a slender body adapted for swift movement through rivers and streams. With a distinctive lateral line running along its sides, the Silver Shiner possesses heightened sensitivity to changes in water pressure, aiding in navigation and predator evasion. Apart from its aesthetic allure, the species plays a crucial role in the ecosystem, serving as a key prey item for larger fish and contributing to the delicate balance of aquatic food webs. Nature enthusiasts and anglers alike are drawn to the allure of the Silver Shiner, appreciating its beauty and ecological significance in North America’s freshwater ecosystems. 

Solomon’s Seal

genus Polygonatum 

Solomon’s Seal is a captivating genus of perennial plants known for its elegant, arching stems and distinctive, bell-shaped flowers. Revered for centuries in various cultural traditions, this plant derives its name from the intricate markings on its rhizomes, resembling the ancient seal of King Solomon. Native to temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America, Solomon’s Seal thrives in shady woodlands, displaying a graceful demeanor with dangling, pendant-like blooms that range from white to pale green. Resilient and adaptable, these plants are celebrated not only for their ornamental appeal but also for their historical significance in herbal medicine. Folklore suggests mystical qualities associated with Solomon’s Seal, attributing it with protective powers and symbolizing harmony and balance. Whether gracing a garden with its enchanting presence or contributing to herbal remedies, Solomon’s Seal remains a timeless and versatile botanical treasure. 

Spotted Salamander

Ambystoma maculatum 

The Spotted Salamander is a captivating amphibian renowned for its distinctive appearance and fascinating life cycle. Distinguished by its sleek black body adorned with vibrant yellow spots, this species reaches lengths of 6 to 9 inches. Native to North America, the Spotted Salamander predominantly inhabits deciduous woodlands, where it seeks refuge in damp environments like vernal pools and woodland ponds. These elusive creatures are nocturnal, emerging from their underground burrows during spring evenings to engage in breeding rituals. Known for their loyalty to breeding sites, Spotted Salamanders often return to the same location year after year. Their remarkable reproductive strategy involves the females laying gelatinous egg masses, each housing dozens of embryos. As the eggs hatch, larvae undergo a fascinating metamorphosis, transforming into the terrestrial adults that continue to captivate the imagination of nature enthusiasts and scientists alike.


Genus Triticum 

Wheat is a globally cultivated cereal grain, serving as a staple food for a substantial portion of the world’s population. Renowned for its adaptability to diverse climates, wheat plays a pivotal role in human nutrition and agriculture. With numerous varieties, including durum and bread wheat, this resilient crop has been a cornerstone of civilizations for millennia, contributing to the development of agriculture and sustaining societies. Beyond its nutritional value, wheat has cultural and economic importance, being a key ingredient in various food products. The study and cultivation of wheat exemplify the enduring relationship between humanity and the Gramineae family, showcasing the profound impact of these grasses on our daily lives. 

White Pine

Pinus strobus 

The White Pine is a majestic and iconic coniferous tree native to eastern North America. Renowned for its towering height, with some specimens reaching up to 230 feet, the White Pine is often referred to as the “tallest tree in eastern North America.” Characterized by slender, soft, flexible needles that cluster in groups of five, the tree’s foliage creates an elegant and feathery appearance. Its bark is distinctive, starting as smooth and gray, and later developing furrows and ridges with age. The White Pine holds cultural significance, having been revered by indigenous communities and early settlers for its versatile wood, which boasts a light color and straight grain. With a lifespan of several centuries, the White Pine stands as a resilient symbol of endurance and natural beauty in diverse ecosystems.

Wild Indigo


Wild indigo is diverse across ecosystems throughout North America. Characterized by its vibrant, pea-like blossoms in hues ranging from deep blues to purples and whites, wild indigo adds a splash of color to meadows, prairies, and woodland edges. This hardy perennial, with its distinctive three-parted leaves, thrives in a variety of soil conditions, showcasing its adaptability in gardens and natural landscapes alike. 

Beyond its ornamental charm, the plant also plays a crucial ecological role, attracting pollinators like bees and butterflies, contributing to the biodiversity of its surroundings. With its resilience and aesthetic appeal, wild indigo stands as a symbol of the untamed beauty and ecological richness found in the wild landscapes it calls home.